Thursday, February 3, 2011


I know January is the time that people set goals, but I'd rather just forget January, and start fresh in February. Don't worry, I'm 25 and I still struggle to spell February... I have to think about it every time. It just doesn't seem like the letter "R" really fits in after the letter "B". It's rather annoying to me actually.

I digress... Goals. Setting new goals have been on my mind since November, but I have procrastinated setting new ones because I have had no idea what I want to accomplish. I'm still slightly clueless. My mission President, the amazing PMB, had me set three, one year goals, prior to me going home. I am proud to say I accomplished all three! Here's the review:

1.) Attend an activity once a month. As outgoing and friendly as I am, I hate social settings. I'd so much rather spend my weekends at home, alone, and do something I want to rather than force myself to be social. My last month in the mission I was burned out of being social. Talking to lots of people, forcing awkward dinner conversations, and being with someone 24/7. I wanted to dig a hole and never come out. So I made the goal of doing one social activity each month.

My first calling at home was as a member of the activities committee. Then I served as RS 2nd Counselor, and was in charge of planning monthly activities. God would do that to me... Above is a photo of the fabulous 80's exercise party we planned. It's kind of blurry, thanks to the fabulous lighting in the church gym, but that's me, dressed in an 80's outfit, following a Richard Simmons exercise video that was projected on to a very large screen. We had healthy smoothies, Just Dance on Wii, and the Karate Kid playing for those who wanted a little less physical activity. We had a dance off as well to Micheal Jackson "Beat It" for the boys, and Cindy Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" for the girls.
Thanks to my fabulous callings, it was easy for me to be social. And as time went on I didn't have to work at it anymore. Not that I'm some fabulous social butterfly now, but I can hold my own.

2.) Attend the temple twice a month.

It was really easy for the first two months because I was only working about 20 hours a week. But once school started up in January it got a lot harder. But, being as blessed as I always am, and I say that humbly, I was asked to be an ordinance worker in the Timpanogas Temple. My bishop told me he submitted my name and that it would be an amazing experience for me. He also told me it was only a 6 month commitment. When I arrived at the temple for my interview with a member of the temple presidency, I was informed that it was a 2 year commitment! I haven't done anything in my entire life for 2 years! I change schools every couple of semesters, my mission was only 18 months, and I haven't lived in the same place for two years since I was in High School. But, I told them I'd do it and I haven't regretted it since.
Being in the temple each week has given me a new perspective on the gospel. It's so simple, and plain, yet deep and complex at the same time. The temple allows all that are worthy to come and feel of God's love, and learn according to their level of current knowledge and preparation. I love seeing people's faces as they enter the temple. They always seem to be smiling and grateful to be in the house of the Lord. My life has been extremely blessed as I've been able to spend each Thursday night in the temple for the past year. I've still got at least a year to go! But I look forward to the new things I will learn and strengthened testimony that will come as a result.
3.) Run a marathon. I thought it would be appropriate to have a physical, spiritual and social goal. My physical goal was to run a marathon. Michelle and I ran a half marathon two weeks before I entered the MTC, and it was fabulous. I decided then that I wanted to run a full marathon. On the mission I ran almost every morning for exercise. I would make my companions run with me, bike next to me, or drive me to the local High School track and sit in the car and sleep while I ran. I conned a few companions into running 10 miles with me too. I was a pretty hard core sister. Companions either feared me, or loved me. Anyway, I came home and found a marathon to run. I trained for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only 4-5 months. I would have to wake up at 5 am some days just to get a good run in, but it was worth it.
My marathon was June 11, 2010. We started running at 530 am, so all of those early morning
runs paid off. It was raining for the first half of the marathon, so I was soaked from head to toe. My shoe was so weighed down with water, it rubbed against my foot and bled from mile 10 to mile 26. It looked sick, but didn't hurt at all. I got super tired, and my muscles were in so much pain around mile 23, I told myself, "if I see my family drive by, I'm getting in the car with them and going home!" Haha, luckily I didn't see my family till I rounded the corner to the Provo Mall parking lot, where the finish line was. Travis was there first, and he called Jenny to tell them I was coming. They saw me run by, and they cheered for me, and then they ran to the finish line to watch me cross. I actually have a video of me running, but I look so ridiculous in it, I have opted not to post it. I tried to leap across the finish line in joy, but when I landed, I stumbled and almost fell! Haha, it was amazing! Despite the weather conditions and bloody sore, I finished in 4 hours and 17 minutes. Not too shabby for a first timer! And, I'm just about to start training for my next marathon...
When I finished, they awarded me with a fabulous medallion, which makes running 26.2 miles totally worth it! My family, Stephanie, Michelle and Brock all came to watch me finish. I have the best family and friends in the world!
On to my new goals. I still don't have any concrete ones, but I want them to be awesome. My current ideas are to graduate college (which is going to happen, so it's kind of a lame goal), read 5 books that I really want to, read the New Testament, get a real job, go to grad school (that's out of my hands right now), buy my first car, move out (I don't know about that one though, so don't get too excited Mom), and pick up a hobby. That's all I've thought of. I can't decide which one's I really want to do though, so it makes it hard. None of the goals above are screaming at me. What to do... Any ideas? I need to hurry and get started because time is passing quickly...


Stephanie said...

I love goals and I love lists. I am the perfect person to help you!
- Teach Steph how to drive stick.
- Take a fabulous vacation.
- Meet one celebrity.

That's all I have for now. But I think those are really wholesome goals to enrich your life. :)

Rasmussens said...

You can finish the bean bags I have started for my kids and you can also come and make my house more organized, it is driving me crazy and I have no more room!

John Skaggs said...

I love the motivation on goal setting. I need to set sopme concert ones on paper rather then in my mind. Melissa, you are awesome. Whatever goals that you choose, you will accomplish.