Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I had some of the worst anxiety in my life today. I couldn't sleep last night for more than ten minutes straight. I just kept thinking, "What if it doesn't come tomorrow? How long will I have to wait? Will I be suprised if it does come?" Who knew.

So I'm at work and it starts snowing like crazy. I'm praying we don't get snowed in again. Then, we have staff a meeting and I was going to sneak out early, but my boss kept me out of the meeting and working on the floor. One thing right after another. Lastly, two of my co-workers ask for a ride home, and I willingly oblige. The snow is crazy and the roads are pure ice, but I finally make it home. I run into my apartment, well it was more like a waddle because I didn't want to fall, I grab my mail key, camera, and roommate to witness the magic. Here's what went down.

Me in the mail room...

Me next to my mail box...

Me opening my mailbox. 14E! ...

I had to check to make sure it was really mine. And yes, I did scream...

There it is! I don't know what it says inside yet, but its gotta be great. Great would not be a place with abnormaly large spiders or extreme cold temperatures.

No really, I'm totally stoked. When I finally do open it, I'll blog that too. But for now thats all you get. Pictures of me checking the mail. But it was worth every second I'm sure.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

oh my gosh! i will be there