Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Really Do Love My Job, But...

I just need to vent. I already did to Michelle, but it's not enough.

Why do I love my job?

Because I'm helping people I've truely come to love- most of the time.
Because it gives me something to do since i'm not going to school this sememster.
Because it helps me feel like i'm making a difference in the world.
Because I get to act like a kid.
Sometimes I get a free therapy session. It should be required with my job though.
Because the girls think I'm cool.
I get free meals and snacks.
It gets my foot in the door with what I want to do with my life.
I get to watch movies on the weekend at work.
There's always someone there who asks about my love life, or lack there of.

Thats all I can think of right now. Only ten reasons. Pathetic. Luckily I only have a few months left. No really I do love my job, just not today.

I was supposed to go skiing with the girls. Well I had to stay back, which is fine really, my life goes on. Not skiing, totally okay with me. Supervising a girl who takes two hours to clean a bathroom, when it should only take half an hour. Literaly. She had half an hour, but because she wouldn't sit and scrub the tub, like is required, it took her two hours. I don't get it. It's not okay.

Then, my superviser tells me that if the same girl sits for an hour and a half then she can earn a trip to go outside. So she does it, with a major freak out. "I can't sit anymore. I've been managing my anxiety all day. I just want to give up, it's too hard!" Seriously. I mean I have sympathy and all, but she's been there over a year. You'd think by now she'd be okay to sit for an hour, but no. So she finally calms down and earns her stupid trip for outside. I leave for a meeting, and I get pulled out by her therapist saying- "No, you can't tell her if she sits that she earns a trip. You need to go tell her she can't go outside." I was so mad. First off, I didn't tell her that she could go out. My superviser did. Second, the thereapist doesn't have to deal with her freakouts- I do. And Third. I was supposed to be off two hours earlier but because the girls who were supposed to come to relieve me went to the meeting I was stuck with the crazy! Ugh. I'm bugged big time. So I told her. And then I left. I feel bad for the staff that had to deal with the freakout after. They should have shown up on time.

So whatever. I head back to the meeting and it's almost over. It was a two hour meeting and I was there for about ten minutes. Right before the end of the meeting my Manager person says, "Oh, and to the morning staff (and i'm the only one there because everyone else went skiing) if it's snowing you need to make sure you wake up extra early so you can be here on time. It didn't happen today." Rude. I left my house 15 mins earlier than I normally do. I was the first one to arrive. I got half way up the hill and got stuck. My poor car, Fanny, smelt of burning clutch and I had to roll down the hill and wait for the plow. So the guy who plows was right behind me and says he'll hurry and do one pass and I should be able to make it up. Nope, wrong answer. Anyway, eventually I made it up, but I was 15 mins late, everyone was, which meant the girls woke up half an hour late, but it was okay because everyone got ready in time anyway. I just felt personally attacked.

I'm over it. Now that I've shared my frustration, its out there, and i'm done. Completely rid of the bad vibes. At least I hope. I just keep thinking, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job...


Stephanie said...

Melis- I'm so sorry you had a bad day. You are so awesome to help those girls- esp. that one girl. She bugs me. Mostly because I wanted you to go skiing. Mostly because I want everyone to go skiing. I love you. And I love your job too. (unless you want me to hate it, because I totally will)

allie askins said...

i am happy you have a job.
but i am not happy about personal attacks.
i think they are lame.
but you aren't.
i love you!